Monthly Meeting
Fri, Feb 09
Come for our regular monthly meeting on the second Friday of the month! We do a pic-nic in July instead of the meeting, take a break in August for the fair, and in December we have a big holiday potluck.

Time & Location
Feb 09, 2024, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Bremerton, 3670 Chico Way NW, Bremerton, WA 98312, USA
About the event
Our regular monthly meetings consist of a little business and announcements, a show & tell time, refreshements and a short program. Juniors programs are often available as well. Meetings are completely volunteer run by officers and other active committee members. We show off our gem and mineral finds, cool rocks we've picked up, and often talk about jewelry making techniques. There are talented members in the club that sometimes volunteer to mentor, and also often demo for our programs. Montly meetings are a place to connect with friends and just enjoy the company of other rockhounds. Bring a friend and introduce them to the hobby! Visitors are welcome, please let us know you are visiting so we can meet you and find out what your interests are!